Summary Index

Rules, Policies and Forms

  • Rules and Regulations – The principal list of Club rules.
  • Members Code of Conduct – The expectations for the treatment of others and the equipment.
  • Damaged Equipment Policy – The policy, which specifies your responsibilities in the event that Club equipment is damaged.
  • Safety First – A list of practices which will help to ensure your safety on the water.
  • Navigation Restrictions – Limitations on where eights may practice.
  • Athlete Safety Program – The Club has adopted the SafeSport program. The expansive program for athlete safety.
  • SafeSport Training – Effective January 1, 2022, all Adult Participants [e.g., adult athletes (18 years and older), coaches, assistant coaches, medical staff, officials, event staff, volunteers] must complete SafeSport training per the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s education and training requirements prior to participating in any capacity. When you initially set up your account, use this link and input the USRowing enrollment key NGBUSR-RFKt8f to ensure your training is affiliated with USRowing and linked to your membership.
  • Forms:
    • Incident Reporting Form – Whenever there is an incident on or off water that involves injury to a rower or damage to equipment — even if it seems small — everyone involved or who witnessed the incident should fill out an incident report form BEFORE LEAVING THE BOATHOUSE, and turn in the form to a coach or board member onsite. The form can be found here, or in hard copy inside the red log book located inside the mailbox.
    • Transportation Waiver and Release Form – If someone wishes to have JRC transport their rowing equipment on one of JRC’s trailers or vehicles, they should execute JRC’s Transportation Waiver and Release.
    • Equipment Lease Agreement Form – If someone wishes to lease any JRC rowing equipment, they should execute JRC’s Equipment Lease Agreement.